Japanese |

Distribution web site is renewed.
Distribution of ASTER GDEM ver.3 is started.
ASTER Water Body Database (ASTWBD) is released.
Data policy change to Public Domain.
ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM)
~ Easy-to-use topographic information of the global terrain~
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are collaborating on a project to develop ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM), a DEM data which is acquired by a satellite-borne sensor "ASTER" to cover all the land on earth. |
What's New |
2019/08/06 |
Distribution of ASTER GDEM ver.3 is started.
ASTER Water Body Database (ASTWBD) is released.
Data policy change to Public Domain.
2016/03/11 |
Our ASTER GDEM distribution website is to be closed on March 18, 2016.
If you want to obtain the data after that, please contact g-dem@jspacesystems.or.jp
Also, if you are in a hurry, ASTER GDEM is available at the below websites operated by NASA.
NASA Reverb: http://reverb.echo.nasa.gov/reverb/
LP DAAC Global Data Explorer: http://gdex.cr.usgs.gov/gdex/
2011/10/17 |
Distribution of ASTER GDEM ver.2 started.
For details, please see "Information" and Validation result of "Overview" on this site. |
2011/10/03 |
ASTER GDEM will be updated to the ver.2.
Distribution of ASTER GDEM in the current version will be terminated at 12:00 on October 11, 2011 (JST).
Also, ASTER GDEM Distribution site will be suspended due to this update.
Distribution of the version 2 will start at 12:00 on October 17, 2011 (JST).
f you are using backlog function (download booking), uncompleted download booking will be cancelled when distribution of the current version ends.
Detailed information of the version 2 will be posted on the below URL as soon as it is ready. |
2009/10/19 |
Backlog Download
From October 16, maximum 1000 tiles became downloadable.
If you try to download more than 100 tiles, the first 100 tiles are
immediately downloaded.
Meanwhile, the 101st or later tiles are recorded in backlog,
and prepared to be downloaded when system has enough resources. |
2009/8/27 |
We have re-started batch download for up to 100 tiles. |
2009/7/8 |
The server of ASTER GDEM distribution site is extremely busy with many download requirements at the moment.
Therefore, it transpires that session is disconnected before starting download.
We are optimizing the system at the moment.
However, batch download has been suspended temporarily for CPU load reduction from July 8th, 2009, 12:00 (JST), and the number of tile downloadable at one time is restricted to only one tile.
We are deeply apologies for this inconvenience caused by this trouble, but we earnestly hope that you will kindly understand the situation. |
2009/06/23 |
ASTER GDEM will be released on June 29th 2009.
In addition, it is projected that we have many accesses to the server at the time of ASTER GDEM release. Therefore, the number of tiles downloadable at one time will be restricted temporarily. |
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Links |
Japan Space Systems
Japan Space Systems, an implementing agency for ASTER Science Project and ASTER GDS Project, engages in research and development for remote sensing of environment and natural resources. |
ASTER Science Project
An overview of ASTER Science Project and information from ASTER Science Team. |
MADAS(METI AIST satellite Data Archive System)
MADAS is a system which can search,browse and download AIST processed satellite data (ASTER-VA) |
For questions/comments regarding this website, please contact:
Copyright 2012 Japan Space Systems. All rights reserved. |