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Organization Name

Japan Space Systems


The Kikai Shinko Kaikan building 3F, 3-5-8 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011 JAPAN


J-spacesystems conducts research and development, international cooperation, human resource development, and promotes the utilization of space technology including the Quasi-Zenith Satellite System, ‘Michibiki’. These activities aim to contribute to environmental conservation, the securing of natural resources, the development of the space industry and the utilization of geospatial information, thereby ensuring people’s safety and security, sound development of the national economy and the realization of a society which provides advanced geospatial information.


J-spacesystems will carry out the following projects in order to achieve the above objectives.

(1) Promotion of research and development, standardization, research and utilization of space systems.
(2) Promotion of commercialization, international expansion, and improvement of international competitiveness of space systems.
(3) Promotion of international cooperation for space systems.
(4) Development, promotion of the utilization of technology related to space system and human resource development.
(5) Promotion and maintenance support for the Quasi-Zenith Satellite System.
(6) Collaboration with various organizations regarding the utilization of geospatial information using satellite positioning and the compilation of opinions and recommendations of the industry regarding satellite positioning.
(7) In addition to the items listed above, other projects deemed necessary to achieve the purpose of J-spacesystems will be undertaken.

(8) Each of the above projects shall be conducted both in Japan and overseas.