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Privacy Policy

Personal Information Protection Policy

Japan Space Systems (hereinafter referred to as “J-spacesystems”) realizes the importance of personal information protection and complies with the laws and regulations. J-spacesystems handles the personal information properly and securely in accordance with the following policies.

  1. Proper Acquisition of Personal Information
    In collecting the personal information, J-spacesystems shall obtain the individual’s approval after demonstrating the purpose of the acquisition and use of the information.
  2. Proper Use of the Personal Information
    J-spacesystems uses the retained personal information within the specified purpose of use only.
  3. Restriction on Provision of the Personal Information to the Third Party
    J-spacesystems does not provide any third party with the retained personal information, unless the individual agrees except for the cases stipulated by laws and regulations.
  4. Secure Management of Personal Information
    J-spacesytems manages the retained personal information paying due attention and take necessary measures to prevent the reveal, alteration and loss of the personal information.
    Also, in the case J-spacesystems outsources a part of the jobs, the contractor is occasionally involved in the personal information. J-spacesystems properly manages and supervises the contractor to secure the personal information.
  5. Response to Request for Disclosure and Correction of the Personal Information
    When an individual requests disclosure, correction, and deletion of the individual’s personal information, J-spacesystems immediately responds to the request. The procedures for request are stipulated separately.
  6. System Establishment
    In order to avoid the error and omission of the personal information protection, J-spacesystems establishes the system and internal rules of which all the staff member and the related employees are thoroughly informed.

Masaki Sakuyama

Purposes of Use of Personal Information at Japan Space Systems

Japan Space Systems (Hereinafter referred to as “J-spacesystems”) uses the retained personal information for the purposes described below. In the case the need to use the personal information beyond this scope occurs, J-spacesystems shall inform the individual of the use of the individual’s personal information and obtain the consent.

■Satellite Data Distribution-related Work

  1. Satellite data distribution-related work, such as data delivery, billing and collection of charge
  2.  Provision of a variety of information, such as processing methods for distributed data, technical information and its related topics on improvement of utilization
  3. Response to inquiry from users regarding data processing and method of data use
  4.  Statistical analysis to understand the utilization status

■Other work than the above

  1. Providing Information and operation of various meetings held by J-spacesystems
  2. Dispatch of the document and information concerning the business
  3.  Notice and adjustment necessary for implementation of business
  4. Notice of various contracts and management of contacts history
  5. Statistic Analysis on attendees’ trend at workshop, etc.
  6. Response to inquiry and request on the business

■Contact Point for Inquiry and Complaint

Please contact the below department for inquiry, disclosure request and complaint concerning the personal information protection at J-spacesystems.

Contact Point for Personal Information Protection
General Affairs Department
Japan Space Systems
Address: The Kikai Shinko Kaikan building 6F
3-5-8 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0011, Japan
TEL: +81-3-6809-1410 FAX: +81-3-3432-3760

Procedures of “Request for Disclosure of the Retained Personal Information” and “Filing of Complaint on Handling Personal Information”

In requesting disclosure and correction of the personal information, or filing complaint to Japan Space Systems (hereafter J-spacesystems), please follow the procedures described below.

■Request for Disclosure, etc.

  1. Procedures of Request for Disclosure etc.
    When making a request for disclosure, etc. of the personal information retained by J-spacesystems, please submit the request form by bringing or sending it to the Contact Point designated below.
  2. Contact Point

    Contact Point for Personal Information Protection

    General Affairs Department
    Japan Space Systems
    Address: The Kikai Shinko Kaikan building 6F
    3-5-8 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0011, Japan
    TEL: +81-3-6809-1410 FAX: +81-3-3432-3760

  3. Documents required for Request for Disclosure, etc.
    Two Documents are required; 1) Request Form and 2) Document for Identification. Please fill in and submit the request form. In the case there is a flaw in the required documents, J-spacesystems might ask the individual or his/her proxy for correction or addition.

    – Request Forms (downloadable)

    1) Request for Disclosure of Personal Information
    Request Form for Disclosure of Personal Information (Form No.1)PDF
    2) Request for Correction, Addition or Deletion of Personal Information
    Request Form for Correction, Addition or Deletion of Personal Information (Form No.2) PDF
    3) Request for Suspension of Use of Personal Information
    Request Form for Suspension of Use of Personal Information (Form No.3)PDF

    – Documents for Identification

    1) Case that an individual submits a request

    A. Visit to the Contact Point by the individual

    Please show or submit one of the following documents.
    a. Driving License (Except International Driving License)
    b. Health Insurance Card or Certificate of Residence (issued within 30 days before submitting a request)
    c. Basic Residents’ Registration Network Card with Photo
    d. Passport
    e. Foreign Resident Registration Card

    B. Sending the required documents by post

    Please enclose one of the above documents to identify the individual (For Certificate of Residence, an original copy issued within 30 days before submitting a request, and for Foreign Resident Registration Card, an original copy).

    2) Case that a proxy submits a request
    Please submit a letter of proxy to show a request is submitted by a proxy (in the case of legal representative, the document to show the legal representative) and one of the documents of identification for both an individual and his/her proxy. In the case of submitting a request by proxy, sending the documents by post is not acceptable.

  4. Method of Disclosure
    After confirming that the request is submitted by an individual, the requested information is disclosed in writing promptly.
  5. Fee
    JPY 300 is charged per request.

Filing Complaint

  1. Methods to file complaint
    When filing a complaint concerning the handling of the personal information retained by J-spacesystems, please fill in and submit the necessary documents by means of visiting the Contact Point by the individual or his/her proxy, or sending the documents by post. The procedures are basically the same as those of Request for Disclosure, etc.
  2. Contact Point (Same as Request for Disclosure, etc.)
    Contact Point for Personal Information Protection
    General Affairs Department
    Japan Space Systems
    Address: The Kikai Shinko Kaikan building 6F
    3-5-8 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0011, Japan
    TEL: +81-3-6809-1410 FAX: +81-3-3432-3760

  3. Documents Required for Filing Complaint (Downloadable)
    Two documents are required for filing complaint; 1) Filing Form and 2) Document for Identification. Please fill in and submit the form. In the case there is a flaw in the required documents, J-spacesystems might ask the individual or his/her proxy for correction or addition.

  1) Filing form for complaint
   Filing Form for Complaint concerning Handling of Personal Information (Form No. 4)PDF

  2) Documents for Identification
   The same documents as those of Request for Disclosure, etc. described above (one of the documents a-e)