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Satellite Data Solution

[REVIEW] Internship #01

Reduction of Secondary Infection by Small Incinerator

Over 1,000 African young people study at Japanese university by ABE Initiative Scholarship Program of JICA. Japan Space Systems has invited over 80 students for 2-week internship programs. Japan Space Systems also invites some talented students for the post-completion internship programs, and students apply remote sensing and GIS data analysis for their interesting fields.

Japan Space Systems started post-completion internship programs since 2019. Nanyangwe completed her master’s degree at Nagasaki University.
Name: Nanyangwe
Country: Zambia
Duration: September – December 2019

Nanyangwe analyzed remote sensing and GIS data and compiled a report about effective medical network by a small incinerator installation in Kitwe, Zambia. In Litwe, her hometown, secondary infection by unmanaged  used medical equipment is one of serious problems. Nanyangwe mapped locations of medical centers and clinics, and she designed effective collection routes and incineration methods. Nanyangwe showed her result to the ambassador of Zambia and JICA staff.