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Satellite Data Solution

[REVIEW] Internship #04


Applying to Marine Affairs and International Cooperation

Young people from Asian countries study at Japanese universities by Innovative Asia Scholarship Program by JICA. Japan Space Systems has invited over 80 students for 2-week internship programs. Japan Space Systems also invites some talented students for the post-completion internship programs, and students apply remote sensing and GIS data analysis for their interesting fields. 

Wara completed her master’s degree at Tokyo Institute of Technology.
名前: Dominika Christiana Wara
出身: Indonesia
期間: April – June 2021

Wara engaged “Comprehensive Assessment and Conservation of Blue Carbon Ecosystems and Their Services in the Coral Triangle (Blue CARES)” project at TIT. Blue CARES is one of SATREPS (Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development) project funded by JST/JICA. Japan Space Systems also joins the project for mapping coral and mangroves by satellite data analysis. During the internship program, Wara analyzed satellite data for blue carbon monitoring.

The Project for Enhancement of Satellite Data Utilization for Monitoring ILlegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing Activities in the Republic of Indonesia was implemented in March 2021. Analyzing ALOS-2 and other satellite data to select target areas where IUU vessels come frequently for optimizing and enhancing capacity of IUU vessels detection. Also, satellite data infrastructure for marine affairs will be developed as the open platform among projects (among public, academia and private in Japan and Indonesia in the future). Wara participated to the project meetings and learned the international cooperation project between Japan and Indonesia.

Wara achieved remote sensing GIS data analysis techniques and studied marine affairs issues in Indonesia. She selected the monitoring shrimp ponds in coastal areas, and she analyzed satellite data for classifying active and non-active ponds with seasonal datasets. Monitoring shrimp ponds is important for countering coastal erosion.

Wara also attended the synchronous observation of Sentinel-2, QZSS, UAV and FIELDSPEC on April 22, 2021. She observed plastics at the coastal area of Jogashima Island. (For more information Sync. Observation at Jogashima Island on April 22, 2021)

Shrimp Pond Monitoring