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Satellite Data Solution

Japan Booth 2023

Japan Booth 2023

This summer, Japan Space Systems proudly hosts Japan Booth and exhibits the most innovative companies from every segment of Japanese space industry at 37th Small Satellite Conference, Utah, United States. Be sure to visit us in the Field House at Booth #230 to meet and speak with representatives from Japanese companies and learn more about their products, technologies and services.

Japan Tech Shows

J-spacesystems hosted Japan Tech Shows as side meetings of Small Satellite Conference. These sessions features selected Japanese companies to provide and discuss their proprietary technologies ands capabilities for serving the dynamic needs of a rapidly growing Space 2.0 industry.

Japan Tech Show Vol. 1


  • Ministry of Economy, Trade and Indusry
  • Takasago Electrics, Inc.
  • ArkEdge Space, Inc.
  • Genesia Corporation
  • IHI Aerospace Co., Ldt.
  • Inforstellar, Inc.

Japan Tech Show Vol. 2


  • Ministry of Economy, Trade and Indusry
  • KYOCERA Corporation
  • ASPINA Inc.
  • Kawasaki Heavy Industries

Companies and Exhibits

# Exhibitor/URL Product
01 ArkEdge Space Inc. 3U/6U Satellites & Attitude Control
02 Genesia Corporation Star Tracker STT & LTCF Multi-spectral Camera
03 Infostellar, Inc. StellarStation, Ground Sharing Aggregation Systems
04 KYOCERA Corporation Fine Ceramics & Ceramic Mirror
05 Takasago Electric, Inc. Thrusters & Valves
06 CANON ELECTRONICS INC. Bus System, Components & Satellite Images
07 IHI AEROSPACE Co., Ltd. Epsilon Rocket
08 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Payload Attach Fitting
09 KIKUCHI SEIKI CO.,LTD. Frame for Cube Sat
10 ASPINA Inc. Reaction Wheel
11 Ricerca Security, Inc. Cyber Security
12 SHIKATA Co., Ltd. Precision
13 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Policy & Technologies


Follow Our Activities


NAKAMURA Shinsaku, International Cooperation Department
Email: Nakamura-Shinsaku@jspacesystems.or.jp
Phone: +81-3-6435-6945